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Distribution of ESI Funds (European Structural and Investment Funds)

Click here to access the file with data relating to ESIF financing for two community frameworks (QREN and Portugal 2020) per municipality in Portugal.

In the figure below you can see the distribution of FEEI for the QREN and Portugal 2020 programs per inhabitant and per municipality:

Creation of two Sustainable Development Indices

The Dynamic Sustainable Development Index (IDSD) aims to represent the evolution of the sustainable development of each municipality over the period between 2014 and 2020, taking into account the initial situation of these municipalities in 2014 as a starting point. Which means that IDSD aims to assess how sustainable development of each municipality has changed over this period.

This dynamic approach allows you to discover whether progress or setbacks have been made towards sustainability objectives over time. Using the starting point in 2014 as a reference allows you to evaluate changes and improvements over six years.

The IDSD can be valuable in uncovering the impact of policies and development efforts over the years.


  • Click here to access the set of information contained in the Dynamic Sustainable Development Index (IDSD) data file, built as part of this research project.



In the figure below we see the IDSD by municipality in Portugal: 


The Static Sustainable Development Index (IDSE) aims to portray the level of sustainable development of each municipality at a given moment in time, in this case it refers to the year 2014.

In contrast to IDSD, which assesses evolution over time, IDSE, by capturing sustainable development at a specific point in time, represents a static assessment.




In the figure below we see the IDSD by municipality in Portugal: 

 Indicators that make up the Indices

In this research project, two indices were developed, the IDSD (Dynamic Sustainable Development Index) and the IDSE (Static Sustainable Development Index), both of which incorporate a series of aggregated indicators, with the aim of creating a complete view of sustainable development.

The careful selection of indicators was guided by criteria of relevance, representativeness, disaggregation at municipal level, ensuring the inclusion of all dimensions of sustainable development in line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda.

In total, 55 quantitative indicators were chosen that cover different facets of sustainable development, including the institutional, economic, social and environmental dimensions. 



Creating an Efficiency Index

The Efficiency Index evaluates the efficiency of municipalities in using specific resources (FEEI co-financing and population) to achieve a higher IDSD.

This analysis can be valuable in identifying municipalities that are efficiently using their resources to achieve sustainable development goals.




In the figure below we observe the level of efficiency by municipality in Portugal:

Construction of three Rankings

The IDSE Ranking shows the positioning of each municipality in terms of sustainable development in 2020.


The IDSD Ranking indicates the ordering of municipalities in terms of DS variation between 2014 and 2020.


Finally, the Efficiency Ranking orders municipalities in terms of efficiency in the use of their human resources (resident population) and financial resources (FEEI co-financing per capita).


  • Click here to access the file with the three Rankingswhich represent the ordering of the 308 municipalities in each of the indices constructed in this study.


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