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Research project developed at the University of Aveiro, falls within the intervention area of the Operational Program for Technical Assistance (POAT) 2020.

Our project aims to evaluate the contribution of the ESIF to the Sustainable Development of the 308 Portuguese municipalities, as well as to the quality of life of their populations.

The implementation of a methodology for monitoring and evaluating public policies makes it possible to characterize the regions in terms of efficiency.


- Collaborate in complying with European legislation, namely Regulation (EU) No. 1303/2013, whose article 57 refers to the importance of evaluating the efficiency of funds and their contribution to the pursuit of the Europe 2020 Strategy for a Union based on a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

-Contribute to the transparency of the results achieved.

- Present clear results whose simple reading allows to support the decision.​


- The project aims to create a methodology for monitoring and evaluating public policies, by carrying out a study and producing a methodological framework, with the purpose of assessing whether the ESIFs lead to Sustainable Development in the regions where they are applied.

The general objective is divided into two main objectives:

- Assess the development induced by projects co-financed by the ESI Funds in the regions in which they operate;

- Characterize the various regions in terms of efficiency, determined by the comparison between development outputs and inputs referring to co-financed projects.

The approach adopted has the following specific objectives:


- Identify relevant variables in terms of recourse to ESIF and regional development;


- Collect dynamic data on the use of ESIF by regions and on their development;


- Build indicators for the use of ESIF and regional development;


- Identify significant correlations between the implemented ESIF and regional development, taking into account the Portugal2030 Strategy;


- Build development matrix versus FEEI graphs;


- Analyze the efficiency of the regions in the use of the ESIF;


- Draw the efficiency curve and position the different regions;


- Build a web page;


- Implement actions for the dissemination and communication of results.


The project is scheduled for 12 months, according to the following schedule:

A. Collection of dynamic metrics and indicators on the use of ESIF by region; 

B. Collection of metrics and dynamic indicators of regional development; 

C. Preparation of the databases that will support the subsequent analysis; 

D. Assessment of the degree of correlation between the level of development and the ESIF; 

E. Efficiency analysis in the use of ESIF; 


F. Transformation of data and results from the previous points into tabular and/or graphical information;

G. Preparation of the final report;

H. Planning and implementation of actions for public dissemination of the study and its results.

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